Friday, October 4, 2013

The toxicity of stupid

Seven years ago, a simple, low-budget movie came out. It was made for two million dollars, and created by the same guy who made Beavis and Butthead famous. Back then, it was obvious that few thought twice about the film, other than "this is's a live action Beavis and Butthead". The film would end up grossing $480,000 in limited release and bomb at the box office.

Now this movie probably describes our society as we know it today.

The movie is called "Idiocracy", and the plot is simple. Average guy and prostitute join in a one year military experiment, are totally forgotten about, and wake up five hundred years later, only to find out the collective IQ of the world has dropped drastically. Watching this, you knew you were getting the usual Beavis and Butthead humor. #1 show is called "Ow, My Balls", #1 movie is called "Ass" where people watch a naked ass fart for ninety minutes, and crops are watered with Gatorade.

Of course, none of this is new. H.G. Wells' "The Time Machine" first brought up the idea of a devolved society of humans way back in 1895. Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" brought up the idea of social engineering in 1931. The problem, though, was who was going to really pay attention? "The Time Machine" was set in 802,701 AD, and the characters are the Eloi, a society of childlike adults living in deteriorating buildings who lack discipline or curiosity. "Brave New World" is set in London in 632 AD, and everyone lives under a peaceful social structure because of a set of strict rules, and no one is allowed to think for themselves or be independent. If you think about that for a second, even the settings are incredibly science fiction in nature.

And so is "Idiocracy". It's set in the year 2500 also, and the characters are such caricatures that it looks no more realistic than "Baseketball".

But now it's all too real.

Barack Obama supporters were actually caught on video not knowing what party Barack Obama resides. All they know is that he's black, and he's the president.

The top shows on cable on Thursday were two reruns of "American Dad", two reruns of "Family Guy", "Children's Hospital", "SpongeBob Squarepants", and "Project Runway".

Despite the studies linking writing cursive with cognitive brain function, Common Core will not make writing cursive a standard in their "new education". Meanwhile, more and more kids will learn how to spell like crap through shorthand texts.

When honest American citizens took the citizenship test themselves, 1 in 3 didn't know who the Vice President was, 3 in 4 didn't know why we fought the Cold War, and 2 in 5 didn't know we fought in World War II. Even worse, we're 26th in the world in Math, and 19th in Science.

Nowhere does the stupid hurt worse than on Twitter. Reading things like "WE'RE IN MARTIAL LAW!!!" while they are typing this ON TWITTER, or "We have state run media" while Rush Limbaugh and FOX news are decidedly #1. Or you can listen to the everyday sports fan on sports radio who wants some manager or coach fired because their team lost a couple in a row.

Does anyone truly want to know how we can truly get this country back? Here's the's not the Democrats or Republicans holding 100% of the seats in the House, Senate, or both like either side wants to think. It's also not the "right kind" of president either. The president only holds so much power anyway.

The truth is that WE THE PEOPLE have to get this country back. We can't wait for the geniuses in the Capitol building to quit their biggest swinging dick contest, come to a compromise, and everything is hunky dory again, because it's not going to be. What it's going to take is parents getting involved in teaching their kids again, more people starting small businesses again so that our economic train can move, and most of all, people quit dreaming and start DOING things. Take chances, make mistakes, be independent, THINK for yourself, and have the guts to be who you are. Those were the people that built this country once, and those are the ones that are going to have to do it again.

I'm starting right now.

Who is with me?

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