Saturday, October 12, 2013

The McClain Experience and the McClain Challenge

Came up with a couple of ideas that I'm going to work with. Thought I'd let you know here.

First one is what I call the McClain Experience. This came about when I remembered the question that I was asked..."What is your obsession"? That was a hard question at first because I really really thought acting was my obsession at one time, but as time went on, I realthat I was looking at the money potential of such a rough business than the whole art of it in general. I witnessed every actor doing all the exercises, reading all the books, and doing all the things necessary without being guaranteed their career would make it...and I wasn't doing that. I may have improved over time, but not at a rate I really could have if I worked harder. In all honesty, I like the business end of producing more.

But even then, that answer is because I like making money, and I love the potential of that also. With that said, it's easy to say that money is my obsession.

That sounds bad, I know...but it's also a copout answer. EVERYONE wants to make more money, even the lazy ones. Why do you think lotteries exist?

But I did figure what my two obsessions were though.

Experiences and challenges.

And that's what I'm going to make my obsession. To me, and the rest of the world, even acting and film producing can be construed as an experience. Think about it for a second...your job that you put on your 1099 when you file your taxes is ACTOR. You are in charge of your own destiny, you can make an unbelievable living if the stars align right, and millions of people know who you are(which is a blessing and a curse). I absolutely love the world of film, but I don't want to be known for only that.

So now I'll explain what these two things are.

The McClain Experience is simple. I intend to go state by state, and eventually country by country, to truly experience what is in this world. It might be a concert, it might be a hike, it might be skydiving or ziplining, or it might be anything. At first, it'll just be a picture album, but eventually I'll make a show out of it. My first Experience is going to be the USTA southern championship in Alabama next Sunday.

The McClain Challenge came from the fact that I am absolutely obsessed with challenging myself in anything, whether it's a wimpy little game on Facebook, or going for a black belt like I did about ten years ago. I like doing things I'm not supposed to be able to do, and I like going after the impossible. That's what the McClain Challenge is going to be...going after what is impossible. At first they will be my challenges, but eventually I'd like to find others around that are doing the impossible. That'll be in time though.

So I have now found my calling. I can't wait to see how far it can go.

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