Tuesday, October 15, 2013

McClain Challenge - P90X - Day 1

Day 1 was a different breed of animal. Most mornings, I start out by waking up, reading the news and watching it, then getting a shower. Things definitely changed this morning.

At 5:30, I was wide awake and ready to go. I turned the TV off(I sleep with it at night, by the way) and got the first DVD in...and was hoping it would be legs, since I absolutely detest doing legs most of the time(my trainer can attest to that). It ended up being chest and back, which was fine. I figured plenty of push-ups, and pull-ups(which I have to substitute because A. I have no pull up bar put up, and B. I really really suck at them right now(which WILL change, I promise you).

So I put the disc in and the first thing on there is the requisite doctor's warning to avoid doing this unless you have a physician's approval, which I understand that Beachbody, and other companies have to do to protect themselves, but considering that this is P90X, something that only the very type A people will finish, I don't know how feasible this warning is overall. After the warning, there's Tony Horton, who is like Richard Simmons if Richard Simmons laid off the coffee in the mornings and motivated people with six packs. I was warned that he could be annoying from others, but he didn't bother me any, and I figured most of the others would just put their earbuds on anyway.

Before I go into the workout, I'll explain this. I do have myself a trainer, and trained throughout the summer, but it was a very rough time. I was broke most of the summer, so I wasn't eating properly. As anyone would know, food is fuel, and since I had little fuel in me, I had far more desire than I had gasoline(and to be fair, he is a great trainer...I just didn't tell him I wasn't eating till later). While my mobility, movement, and flexibility did improve...my strength was garbage and got a lot worse. By the end of the summer, I had to take a full break to get on a proper diet and let my body recover. No tennis, no workouts, nothing. This, and the tennis tournament, is my first physical activity in just under two months.

And boy, did I ever feel it. I fancied myself good at pushups over the years, but I didn't realize how off my form was, and I wasn't doing myself any good. Doing the new form, I felt it in a hurry, and had to stop quite a bit to catch my breath. Believe it or not, I actually found this to be a great improvement. Over the years, I used to force everything...play tough guy if you will...and my form would be way off. This time, I focused on quality and making sure to keep active. I know everything's going to come together. Patience is a virtue here.

For the people that don't know P90X(and P90X 2), it's a simple premise. Thirty straight days, take a week off. Second thirty days, take a week off. Then the final thirty is supposed to be the most intense experience you'll ever know(with the probably exception of Insanity). Most don't make it the first thirty, and if they do, they quit during the first one week period. This is why I say it is truly for the ones that want it bad enough. I've never sweat so much in my life, outside of my martial arts belt tests, and that was more flop sweat from nerves. Makes me want to try again with the trainer, and with the proper focus.

Besides the change of pace in the morning, the diet had to change also. I eat breakfast, but it's mostly cereal. While I don't cook enough(or rarely ever), I knew that I had to change what I put in me. My breakfast was an egg white omelet with a bowl of fruit, and my snack was a builder bar and water(It's unreal the energy level you have with a proper breakfast). Lunch was Chik-Fil-A, admittedly, but it was a cool wrap and fruit(yes, I love fruit) with a salad. Dinner was Salmon with a salad. I am going to speak with the trainer about my diet when we both have a free day to see what I can improve, but it felt good to eat real clean today.

(Shameless plug: My trainer's name is Sam Feldman, and you can find him on Twitter @ThaDudeFeldman)

That's about the gist of it. I have 89 days to go for this, and that'll go before I know it, so I'm not groaning at the length. I do know that these success stories have to have a before and after picture, and I'm no different. This is my before picture. Much work to be done, but I can't wait.

Next update in thirty days.

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