Monday, March 23, 2015

Sam Feldman, personal trainer extraordinaire

Athletic fitness has undergone many changes over the years. At one time, there was the mindset that weight training would hurt athletes(especially the totally false assumption that women's reproductive organs would fall out if they trained or did athletics) and that they should stick to calisthenics and body weight workouts. When the idea of weight training was widely accepted, there was a simplistic approach to diet, which was essentially meat and potatoes with a side of more meat and potatoes without concern about carbs, starches, sugars, and fats.

In this current information age, however, we have all the information about proper training techniques and proper diet at our fingertips, which helps the current crop of trainers keep up with every millisecond change that comes around the bend.

Among the new generation of trainers is Sam Feldman. This 21 year old out of Atlanta, GA is a student at Penn State University with a major in Kinesiology. However, what you will immediately understand when you first work with him is his absolute obsession with training, both his own and others.

Meet Sam.

Trever Aeon vs Micah Taylor - Part 2

End of a great match.

Flashback: Trever Aeon vs Micah Taylor - Part 1

This was one of Trever's first matches, and against a well seasoned pro in Micah Taylor. Very good match, and a two parter.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Meet Trever Aeon

Trever Aeon is a pro wrestler, but he's also much more than that. The "Violence Artist" has been placing crushed bodies upon his canvas for the past three years, and has evil intentions to do it for many many more.

But besides majoring in violence art at the school of hard knocks, he also has a love of other forms of art. Besides wrestling, he draws comics, makes dark electro music along with hip hop, and even dabbles in acting from time to time. When you think you know Trever aren't even close.

That Trever Aeon

A little change to this blog

It's been a little bit since I've blogged on this page. A lot of things have gone on with my life, and I haven't done what I should.

But I'm going to make this a different type of blog now...not just for me. Mind you, I'm going to still post my stuff, but I'm going to be a little different here.

I'm not the only one in the world with dreams, desires, ambition, and gumption to go after things. Sometimes, it looks like we lost our American Dream, if you listen to the mainstream media, but there are still millions of people out there that are taking chances, have dreams, and won't quit no matter what. They can be the people I know, who are aspiring tennis pros, professional wrestlers, and personal trainers...or they can be other people around this country. There are stories out there, folks, and I want all of them.

I'll be here plenty. This will be a lot of fun.